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Is David Icke a whack-job conspiracy theorist, or are his predictions eventually proven true? In this video, Icke discusses a wide variety of topics, including the number of business interests owned by Blackrock, who Rob Wallace at the Panel Channel recently revealed to be the new owners of the biggest and most profitable casinos in Australia... casinos!


Elon Musk discusses issues within the US judiciary and their motivations...


Mike Holt of CIRnow speaks to Richard Vobes... stay tuned as we attempt to organize another interview with Mike!


Elon Musk discusses the effect of mass immigration on Europe and the UK, while also pointing out his skepticism regarding supposed alien visitations to Earth...


Is Islam a 'religion of peace'? Is it even a religion? Is it an ethnicity or race? A totalitarian ideology? Does it bring 'peace' wherever it goes? A religion of the desert? A non-progressive so-called 'religion' from 700 years ago, which is 2000 years after the Old Testament and 700 years after the New Testament, yet even the New Testament (which pre-dates it by centuries) is far more progressive...

Q: Which religion has more terrorist organisations linked to it, or driven by it, than Islam? A: None.


Part 3 of our interviews on 22 July 2024 with Jannene Howse of!


Part 2 of our latest discussions with Jannene Howse... filmed 22 July, 2024... please go to for copies of the documents Jannene references and reads from in this presentation...


In this opening segment of our February 2024 series of interviews with John Wilson of 'Juries R Us' he provides details of his important upcoming court case being held in Sydney at the Downing Centre on Tuesday, 24 February 2024.


In this sixth segment of our February 2024 interviews with John Wilson, he discusses Julian Assange's possible extradition to the United States. John puts forth the Writ of Habeas Corpus as a solution to Assange's on-going predicament.

Keith Charles of the Commonwealth Custodians in conversation with Jannene Howse of and the Panel Channel...


We introduce Keith Charles of the Commonwealth Custodians. Stay tuned for more interviews with Keith soon. We experienced some technical difficulties at the time of filming, and we plan to get a full session of interview segments with Keith completed ASAP.


As we commence 2024, we sit down and chat to the always-informative Jannene Howse of, and with a total of seven interview clips in this series (filmed in January 2024), you can expect to receive a lot of eye-opening information!

The series finale in our January 2024 round of interviews with Jannene Howse of News Decoded...

Part Two of our most recent round of interviews with Jannene Howse. These interviews were filmed on 28 December 2023, with the remainder of interviews in the series to be filmed in the New Year on 8 January 2024.

Part One of our newest December 2023 / January 2024 interviews with Jannene Howse. Stay tuned for more coming soon...

The Panel Channel introduces Sandi Crack and her fascinating research!


Part One of our 8-part interview series with Jannene Howse in September 2023... this is the video that YouTube deleted and will not let you see!

Part Two of our 8-part interview series with Jannene Howse in September 2023... spread this message far and wide!

Part Three of Jannene Howse's interviews in September 2023:

Part Four of Jannene Howse's interviews at The Panel in September 2023:

Part Five in our September 2023 interview series with Jannene Howse of

Part Six of Jannene Howse's September 2023 interviews at The Panel:

Part Seven in our newest interviews (Sept 2023) with Jannene Howse from

Part Eight, our series finale with Jannene Howse for September 2023:

Nigel Farage comments on modern banks and their power... a divisive personality to be sure, but here Farage hits the nail on the head with his views on lax border control, forced bank account closures for those deemed not acceptable, and American West Coast led Marxist ideology.

Some information from our recent (August 2023) interviews with Jannene Howse of News Decoded...

A brief snippet from our new round of 2023 interviews with Jannene Howse...

An introduction to our newest guest at The Panel, Alicia Harrison of IMOP, the Informed Medical Options Party.... stay tuned for more!

Part 1 of a new interview series with Jannene Howse in October 2022 regarding upcoming and future events... stay tuned for more interviews in this series, to be uploaded soon... Jannene's website can be found at

Part 1 of our new (Sept 2022) interview series with Jannene Howse of 'News Decoded' (  Jannene's research is very complex, in-depth and detailed. She can be reached by email at or via her 'News Decoded' website at

Part 1 of our interview series with Andrew McIntyre regarding the Beaumont children who vanished from Glenelg Beach in Adelaide, considered one of Australia's most enduring mysteries or cover-ups... the remaining eight segments of these interviews with Andrew McIntyre can be found under the 'Crimes And Cover-Ups' video section.

Part 2 of our interview series with Andrew McIntyre regarding the Beaumont children who vanished from Glenelg Beach in Adelaide, considered one of Australia's most enduring mysteries or cover-ups... the remaining seven segments of these interviews with Andrew McIntyre can be found under the 'Crimes And Cover-Ups' video section.

Jannene Howse re-visits ‘The Panel’ with new insights – Part One in our new 7-part series!

Jannene Howse of News Decoded re-visits "The Panel" for further insights into contemporary issues. Stay tuned for more coming soon... this is Part One of a new 7-part series with the very wonderful Jannene!

Is this supposed to make us happy? Will life be one long succession of fun-filled 'selfies' and a frenzy of joy and prosperity? When were we ever asked if this promised New Utopia was a design of our own choosing or our own consent? Western values at breaking point? A billion displaced peoples? Artificial organs? America's values of independence and sovereign freedoms targeted to be undermined or over-powered? Visits to the Great Outdoors experienced occasionally - not regularly - for the supposed 'benefit' of the environment and our own health? Sounds like stay-at-home orders, doesn't it? Acceptance of new and regular influxes of alien peoples? Drones, not drivers, delivering our food? Driverless cars, not taxi drivers, delivering us to our destination? Visiting Mars and looking for ETs rather than fixing our own lives, communities and nations? A firm "Polluters Must Pay" policy, although they have managed to get away without paying so far? Hmmm... the list goes on and on. Did you ever agree to any of this being imposed on your life and the lives of your families and loved ones?

Part 1 of our new (October 2021) six-part series of interviews with the popular and much-loved Sol Millin of 'MAHA' - Make Australia Healthy Again. Please stay tuned while we bring you the remainder of this enlightening new series with Sol...

Jannene Howse's latest series of interviews pertaining to COVID-19 court challenges... Part 1 of 5... please subscribe to view the remainder of videos in this series.

Queensland Police Service set to suspend large numbers of officers for refusing the jab...

As Melbourne residents face increasingly violent reactions from police to anti-lockdown protests, the city is hit with an intense earthquake this very morning...

We continue our conversation with Sol Millin of MAHA, Make Australia Healthy Again, in a new 4-part interview series. This is Part One. Please stay tuned while we upload the additional three segments. In the next week or so, we hope to have details of a new feature-length documentary featuring Sol Millin with Robert Wallace of "the GLOSSA channel", filmed in conjunction with a number of other contributors. We expect to have a trailer ready for viewing shortly...

Truck drivers who warned that they would blockade NSW Parliament on Macquarie Street in Sydney as part of an anti-lockdown protest have failed to carry out their stated plans. A small number of protesters arrived on foot, but they were conducting what appeared to be a silent protest, and they made little or no comment to the media or the authorities. The event ran in conjunction with other protests in towns and cities across Australia at the same time on the same day, which was 9am to midday on 31 August 2021.


We wish to advise that "the GLOSSA channel" has been at several protests throughout Sydney during the time of the coronavirus pandemic and we will be uploading our coverage of those events, and others, as soon as time permits.

22 July 2021: Part One in our new 5-part interview series with Sol Millin...

On Saturday, 24 July, another 'Worldwide Freedom Day Rally' will be held in cities around the world.

In the Australian cities of Sydney and Melbourne, these protests are occurring during (another) COVID-19 lockdown.

So, expect the police presence (and the police handling of the situation) to be much more intense.

Sources have revealed that the Sydney 24 July protest will commence at Victoria Park at Sydney University on the corner of Broadway and City Road, with a kick-off time of 12-midday...

Please note: in this video interview, Sol is requesting donations for his organization, MAHA ( Any donations submitted will go solely to MAHA, not to the GLOSSA channel -- the GLOSSA channel does not actively solicit for or seek donations.

Here it is...  our most popular and widely-watched interview in the 6 ½ years that we have run "the GLOSSA channel". This interview with Darren Dixon - filmed in Southbank, Melbourne - has been our Number One most popular video segment ever - enjoy, and stay tuned for more coming soon!

In an extensive and intriguing 8-part interview series, Jannene Howse explores contemporary happenings in the world. Jannene dissects complex issues and explains the mysterious ways in which they were prophesized to occur between the years 2020 and 2023.

This is the second segment in a lengthy investigation Jannene undertook to bring meaning and clarity to a dark and uncertain time in human existence.

Stay tuned for more, coming soon. There is lots more to this topic, as will be revealed in our subsequent film sessions with Jannene.

In an extensive and intriguing 8-part interview series, Jannene Howse explores contemporary happenings in the world. Jannene dissects complex issues and explains the mysterious ways in which they were prophesized to occur between the years 2020 and 2023.

This is the first segment in a lengthy investigation Jannene undertook to bring meaning and clarity to a dark and uncertain time in human existence.

Stay tuned for more, coming soon. There is lots more to this topic, as will be revealed in our subsequent film sessions with Jannene.

An update on Sol Millin's 17 June 2021 courtcase... part one of a five-part group interview with Sol, Brady Gunn and Jannene Howse. Please subscribe to view the other interviews in this series!

Darren Dixon: Testing the Constitutional Guarantee, and Section 51 xxiiiA of the Constitution. Please subscribe to view the remainder of interviews in this series.

Darryl O'Bryan speaks to "the GLOSSA channel" - Part I of our interviews with Darryl regarding GAP, the Great Australian Party, and the coronavirus pandemic. Please subscribe to view the remainder of interviews in this series.

Jacquie Dundee... Part One of a 10-part interview series. Please subscribe to view the remainder of interviews in this 10-part series.

Sol Millin exposes the lie of Covid-19 in this first segment of an exclusive series of interviews he did with "the GLOSSA channel". Please subscribe to view the remainder of the interviews in this series.

Part 4 of our 4-part series of interviews with Ziggy Zapata regarding censorship and other contemporary issues. Please subscribe to view the remainder of interviews in this series.