Breaking News


26 June 2024....  Julian Assange has touched down in Canberra, Australia, after his release by the US government, and Tucker Carlson is also in Canberra as part of his Australian speaking tour, but Tommy Robinson has been arrested in Calgary to prevent him from speaking in Canada as part of his current North American tour. Jordan Peterson in Canada has offered Tommy Robinson the chance to appear on his podcasts, but Tommy has had travel restrictions imposed on him, and he cannot leave the Calgary region, so he will now need to cancel or postpone all of his speaking dates across Canada.


28 February 2024....  A ruckus has occurred during  John Wilson's recent court hearing at the Downing Centre Local Court in Sydney on 27 February, 2024. Police and Sheriffs attended the hearing in large numbers. During the proceedings, the judge issued a directive for John's supporters to be "escorted from the courtroom" and then escorted from the building entirely. The matter was then adjourned until the end of March. Rob Wallace at the Panel Channel has asked John if he wants to convene a public meeting before his next hearing or perhaps film some more interviews, and John has stated "Yes!" to both. Please stay tuned for more details as they come to hand...


26 February 2024....  Our latest round of interviews with John Wilson have been uploaded today. Please remember that he also has an important hearing in the Downing Centre Court tomorrow, Tuesday the 27th of February, at 9.30am... come one, come all... John would love to see some supporters there!


12 February 2024....   John Wilson has requested that a new interview be carried out by the Panel Channel on Thursday 22 February. This has been described by John as a 'post mortem' interview as a follow-up to John's court case in the Downing Centre on Tuesday 12 February. These videos will be filmed and uploaded ASAP, so please stay tuned!


09 February 2024....  A round-table discussion group has just been held with John Wilson in the lead-up to his court case at the Downing Centre on Tuesday, February 13th. At the meeting, it was decided that John's supporters and followers should gather together at 9am in Hyde Park South at the War Memorial on Tuesday 13 February and walk together across the road to the Downing Centre to attend John's hearing. Come One, Come All... 9am at the South End of Hyde Park in Sydney at the War Memorial.


07 January 2024....  Interviews with Keith Charles of the Commonwealth Custodians and Jannene Howse of have been filmed today and will be online shortly.


01 January 2024....  Happy New Year to everyone, and lets hope it's better than 2023 was!


28 December 2023....  A filming session with Jannene Howse of NewsDecoded.Org is taking place today. Stay tuned for these new interviews as they will be uploaded in the next few days. Delays have occurred due to some injuries as a result of Rob Wallace at the Panel Channel having had a few accidents in recent weeks.


22 November 2023....  Rob Wallace at the Panel Channel is currently recovering from an acute knee and leg injury that is affecting his ability to get more interviews filmed. That is the reason for the recent lack of new uploads. Please stay tuned while he undergoes recovery.


22 October 2023....  Rod Culleton of the GAP Party has suffered a heart attack while being arrested by police. Details as they come to hand...


25 September 2023....  to clarify an issue, Jannene Howse has advised us that the Day of Atonement date is 26 September 2023. This is the correct Jubilee date.


21 September 2023....  we are filming a fresh round of interviews with Jannene Howse and Sandi Walter Raleigh Crack today.  John Wilson has also requested a new round of interviews with us (in Sydney and Canberra) now that he has finally been released from prison. Details soon...


7 September 2023....  next Monday, September 11, is the anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. It is also the date on which the Panel Channel (and others) will be meeting with John Wilson for an update on his recent predicament with the courts and the judiciary. This is an Invitation-Only meeting, but we will keep you up to date on the proceedings.


30 August 2023....  John Wilson has been released from remand as of yesterday (29 August 2023) and he has requested a meeting with the Panel Channel to discuss and share the details of his recent tribulations. Stay tuned and we will keep you posted...


28 August 2023....   John Wilson, author of the book 'The Jackals Of Slavery' and a frequent interviewee here at the Panel Channel, is back in court today at Parramatta Local Court in Sydney. John has been held on remand in Cessnock for almost three months with no conviction by the courts, only charges by the police. We will keep you posted ASAP on any updates and outcomes...


11 August 2023....  at  John Wilson's appearance (via video link) in Parramatta Local Court yesterday, his request for bail (due to an illness in the family) was denied, and the matter has been re-listed for hearing on 28 August. As such, John remains on remand at Cessnock. The court has allotted a full day for the matter on the 28th. Seeing as it will be a hearing (not a mention) hopefully there will be some outcome or conclusion for John on the day. Meanwhile, here is a copy of a letter penned by John Wilson from his remand cell, which he has requested that I reproduce on this website:

Our just cause is entering its final stage. My next court date is on 10 August at the Downing Centre Local Court, and I will be asking for bail on compassionate grounds. 
So, we will see what happens then. 
Only very recently I have been given some court documents which are totally inadequate. The original reason for going to court remains very much alive and, in fact, only gains in seriousness with each and every passing day. 
The word 'scam' sums up the obscenity of the variable interest rort, but there is no word to describe the evil of the suicides and destruction to innocent families that it has done and continues to do. 
I hope Michael Schultz and Stephen Bransgrove will continue to spread the word in regards to our inalienable right to "the lawful judgement of our equals", i.e., trial,-by-jury and common law overruling bad statute laws, when the latter (being Acts of Parliament) are "against common right", and what better case in point can there be than "under common-law there are eight essential elements for the creation of a contract, i.e. 
1. Offer;
2. Acceptance;
3. Sufficient consideration;
4. Capacity to contract;
5. Intention to enter legal relations;
6.  Legality of purpose;
7. Genuine consent; and
8. Certainty of terms.
All of which leaves no shadow of a doubt to the line that "variable interest rates render a contract void for uncertainty"! 
All those variable interest loan contracts are a fraud, and obtaining money by fraud is stealing! 
And let's not forget the old chestnut that "a kangaroo court is a cort that acts unfairly, or dishonestly or disregards legal rights or disregards legal procedures". 
If we are to have any chance of having a democratic Commonwealth, then we've got to assert our sovereignty as We, The People with our courts truly administering justice for all, and that means Trial By Jury in any action, with judges and magistrates acknowledging that the only way a court can proceed summarily is by obtaining the clear and unequivocal consent from us to do so.
"Truth is the Mother of Justice", so help me God. 
John Wilson.


9 August 2023....  John Wilson appears in Parramatta Local Court tomorrow, Thursday 10 August. Due to the fact that John is being held on remand very remotely in Cessnock, it is likely that he will appear via video link, rather than in person. Therefore a day-trip to the Parramatta Court to attend the hearing will not be very fruitful for onlookers. More details as they come to hand...


1 August 2023....  We are currently filming a new round of interviews with Jannene Howse, whose work is always very thoroughly researched. Her in-depth knowledge of her favoured topics makes her interviews very eye-opening. Expect these new videos to be online here ASAP!


24 July 2023....  John Wilson, a regular interviewee here at the Panel Channel and the author of the very excellent book 'The Jackals of Slavery', has been held on remand following the adjournment of his recent court hearing in the Downing Centre in Sydney. This means John will not be appearing back in court until August. He was remanded to the correctional facility at Parklea, but then he was shifted to the prison at Cessnock, making it almost impossible for John's family to visit him. John will be 82 years old on his next birthday and he is not as sprightly as he may once have been. He has also suffered a stroke in recent times. We will keep you posted on any updates.


4 July 2023....  John Wilson will be appearing in the Downing Centre district court in Sydney on July 4. If you can attend, please be there. The court is opposite Museum train station in the centre of Sydney.


29 June 2023....  John Wilson appears in court today at the Downing Centre District Court in Sydney. Details as they come to hand... please attend the court hearing if you are in or near Sydney. Update: John's hearing has now been adjourned until Tuesday, July 4. Attend the Downing Centre on that day if you can.


15 June 2023....  This just in... activist and frequent guest at The Panel,  John Wilson, has been arrested and held on remand by NSW Police. The arrest occurred when John sent out an email regarding his property in North Rocks in Sydney, which he owned and used as a dental surgery. NSW Police claim that sending an email to the current resident of the property is a breach of an AVO that the resident has against John. More details as they comes to hand...


15 March 2023....  New interviews being uploaded this week! Thanks for your patience. We have been on-the-road for the last month, resulting in delays.


10 February 2023....  Please stay tuned for our new interviews with Jannene Howse plus lengthy interviews with Alicia Harrison of IMOP (Informed Medical Options Party) and indigenous activist Jen Stefanak, coming soon!


3 January 2023....  Happy New Year! As we kick off 2023, we have uploaded some interesting comments from author and academic Nouriel Roubini on the future outlook for crypto currencies... will they die and revert to zero value, leaving crypto coin holders in the lurch?

In other news,  John Wilson of 'Juries R Us' is in the process of establishing a semi-permanent info booth at Parramatta in Sydney to raise public awareness. Please await our new video-interview with John, filmed at his new Parramatta public info site.

We will also be filming some new interviews with the delightful Jannene Howse as soon as she can get to Sydney... stay tuned!


22 December 2022....  Leading news today is the bombshell admission of Dr. Kerryn Phelps, the lesbian sister of Aussie actor Peter Phelps and former head of the Australian Medical Association (AMA), who is now going public with the truth about devastating vaccine injuries.

Phelps testified that her wife, Jackie Stricker-Phelps "suffered a severe neurological reaction to her first Pfizer vaccine within minutes" and continues to suffer ongoing neurological symptoms, musculoskeletal inflammation and fatigue.

Phelps herself was also diagnosed with vaccine injuries, including intermittent fevers and cardiovascular issues, following her second Pfizer dose in July 2021.

Phelps joins a growing number of high-profile physicians worldwide, including British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra and oncologist Dr. Angus Dalgleish, who have turned against the vaccines after publicly supporting them, according to New York Times reporter Alex Berenson.

Now, after the mRNA jabs have destroyed the immune systems of tens of millions of Americans, flu season sickness is back with a vengeance. Many hospitals are overflowing with sick patients, and children's over-the-counter medicines (like Tylenol and cough syrups) are in such high demand that the supply chain has broken down.


19 December 2022....  We will be providing details on the recent Wieambilla shootings soon. Despite the 'official narrative', a friend of Nathianiel Train (the school headmaster and alleged shooter) will be giving us details on Nathaniel's attempts to expose abuse in schools. Was Nathaniel Train stonewalled when attempting to reveal the scandal, thus causing his moral and ethical decision to leave teaching... ???


1 December 2022....  Stay tuned for more interviews coming soon... it's just a matter of co-ordinating our journeys and generating the funds necessary for long-distance travel. We will provide more details shortly.


15 November 2022....  We have more interviews with Jannene Howse, planned, so stay tuned. We will also be reporting on John Wilson's challenge to the jurisdiction of the NSW courts, so again, stay tuned for more coming soon...


31 October 2022....  This arrived overnight, via a friend's lawyer, regarding a major WikiLeaks dump:

"Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online. Everything from Hillary Clinton's emails, McCain's being guilty, Las Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, and the WHO pandemic. Please read and pass it on:



29 October 2022....  Multi-billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has today purchased social media giant Twitter and labelled himself 'The Chief Twit' after firing the company's two top executives (Ned Segal and Parag Agrawal) and escorting them off company premises.


28 October 2022....  John Wilson is appearing in Parramatta District Court in Sydney today to appeal his COVID-19 mask arrest. Come One, Come All.... John would love to see you there!


26 September 2022....  John Wilson of the Juries Are Us website ( has a free public gathering and presentation tonight (7.30pm, Monday 26 September) at Club Parramatta, also known as Parramatta RSL. The event will be filmed and uploaded here ASAP. John will be presenting a 30 minute talk, followed by a Q&A Session. Free entry, No cover charge. Come One, Come All!


24 September 2022....  our three-day filming session (24-26 Sep) with Jannene Howse of News Decoded ( has just wrapped, and editing has now commenced. Jannene's research is some of the most mind-boggling and breath-taking information available. Stay tuned for more. We are uploading and revealing this nine-part interview series with Jannene as soon as time permits! Her work contains some of the most detailed and in-depth revelations to be found!


19 September 2022.... we announce our new 10-part series of interviews with John Wilson of Sydney and a fresh round of interviews to be filmed later this week with Jannene Howse of


14 August 2022....  a few serious set-backs with local internet services at 'The Panel' are affecting our ability to get new content online. Please stay tuned for more coming soon.


24 July 2022....  a new series of interviews pertaining to COVID-19 and its prediction in the Bible has been filmed with Jannene Howse in the last few days. We are editing and uploading those videos as we speak. Stay tuned for more coming soon! Unfortunately there have been delays and setbacks in recent times, but we are working through these issues as we speak!


26 March 2022....  we will be filming some new interviews with law-reform activist and author John Wilson in early April. At present he is in Canberra attending the Convoy to Canberra protest and will return shortly.


24 March 2022....  at present, no new videos can be uploaded to YouTube by 'The Panel' while we sit-out a ban period on new uploads... but we will be adding more new videos here at


11 March 2022....  we are currently in Cairns to film a few brief new interviews. Stay tuned for further details...


19 February 2022....  following widespread reports of various illnesses and ailments affecting protesters at the 'Convoy to Canberra' rally, "The Panel" would like to speak to anyone who has fallen ill after visiting Canberra. Reported ailments include severe migraine headaches and inexplicable burns to large parts of the body. Police (AFP) have not confirmed their use of LRADs (long-range acoustic devices) or other methods of non-lethal crowd dispersement weapons, even when quizzed about it officially. Please contact us (using the Contact Us page of this website) if you have any information. Thanks.


8 February 2022.... today "The Panel" was able to spend a few brief hours at the 'Convoy to Canberra' event on the peoples' paddock between Old Parliament House and New Parliament House in Canberra. Our video footage of the event is online here, now. Next Saturday (12 Feb 2022) will be huge in Canberra. Rod Culleton (of GAP) and Darren Dixon of (CLRA) will also be appearing on Friday night (11 Feb) in Canberra... we wish "the GLOSSA channel" could be there to report for you, but I am headed elsewhere for other interviews...


28 January 2022....  please await our new interviews from Adelaide, coming soon...


16 January 2022....  as Australia gradually re-opens (or so they tell us) it's time for "The Panel" to travel Australia and conduct more interviews. With that in mind, please consider taking out a subscription to this website if you haven't already, as that will help us with our production and travel costs. An annual subscription to "The Panel" is less than a dollar a week, a true bargain, and we need your help. Please support our important message. We thank you.


14 January 2022....  here are details of the next COVID-19 protests in Sydney:

Reclaim The Line - Saturday 15 January, from 11 am - Marching FROM Prince Alfred Park at Central Station TO Hyde Park (ie, direction is reversed compared to the last Reclaim The Line protest).

World Wide Freedom Day Rally - Saturday 22 January, from 12pm - this time it's not being held in the city centre of Sydney... please gather at the south entrance of Strathfield train station for the walk to Burwood Park.


9 January 2022....  Happy New Year to all... I'm back after an illness. Please check out our footage of the 16 Dec 2021/ 9 Jan 2022 protest footage in Sydney... and, more importantly, check out the 'Cancellation of Debt' footage from YouTube in the Subscriber Only video section of out website... this info is worth a subscription price alone!


13 December 2021...  there are two upcoming protests that may interest you: 16 December 2021 and 9 January 2022. These events will commence from NSW Parliament House on Macquarie Street. From there, protesters will march across Sydney Harbour Bridge to the Prime MInister's residence in Kirribilli. This will look spectacular... "The Panel" is not directly involved in planning or co-ordinating these events, so we have no further details. Please check Social Media for new information and updates.


7 December 2021...  our new 7-part series of interviews with author and activist John WIlson are now online... please check it out!


3 December 2021...  Quote of the Day:

"Soon you'll need Government ID in order to even log-in online" - Aussie ex-pat Max Igan in Mexico (


1 December 2021...  stay tuned for our new 7-part series of interviews with author and activist John Wilson, coming soon. The interviews are filmed and edited. Now they need to be uploaded for viewing...


22 November 2021...  here at "The Panel", our most popular interview ever was filmed in Melbourne when Darren Dixon spoke to us of Section 51.23a of the Australian Constitution. Now, today (22 November 2021), politician Pauline Hanson refers to 51.23a in her appeal to the Senate...


20 November 2021... it has been an exceptionally busy time at "The Panel" during the month of November. Please stay tuned for more details and some new interviews and video footage. We will also be bringing you some fascinating information about Sol Millin's Artemis Sanctuary, a 200-square kilometre block of land for residential and tenancy purposes for those of you interested in living remotely and/or off-the-grid. Artemis Sanctuary is situated in Northern NSW between Byron Bay and Tenterfield, near the Queensland border. More details as they come to hand..


1 November 2021...  Melbourne, Australia… a filing of a Private-Prosecution has been successfully submitted into, and accepted by, the Magistrates Court of Victoria for the defendant, Dan Andrews, to answer to the charge of Treason. The serving of the application will be delivered into Parliament House in Melbourne on Wednesday, 3 November 2021. More details as they come to hand...


28 October 2021...  Australia began easing its COVID-19 restrictions in Sydney from the 11th of October. Many businesses (such as pubs and restaurants) began re-opening, which was popular with Sydney residents. As long as everyone checked-in with their Double Vaccination certificate, things 'seemed' to be getting back-to-normal. Now we hear that the 'Tea Gardens Hotel' (a popular pub in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs) has experienced a COVID-19 outbreak, with at least ten patrons testing positive so far. Everyone on the premises was double vaxxed, yet an outbreak occurred. What does that tell us about the 'efficacy' of vaccinations?


20 October 2021...  the Moderna vaccine, manufactured in the USA, is not approved by America's FDA for use on American minors. In Australia it has been approved for minors. This should be of great concern to any sensible person. Australia is now one of several dozen nations which have ceased to have any involvement with the Astrazeneca vaccine. Even the Congo (in Africa) got rid of Astrazeneca before Australia did... and Hong Kong has 'generously' agreed to donate its remaining 7,500,000 doses of Astrazeneca to the Third World!


10 October 2021...  stay tuned for new interviews, coming soon, with John WIlson and Sol Millin. As travel opportunities expand (availability of flights, open borders, etc) we hope to bring you a wide new array of subjects and interviews, so please keep watching.


8 October 2021...  the Australian judiciary have formally been made exempt from vaccination requirements to perform their job and retain their employment. More details will follow shortly. Thanks to Darren Dixon for this intriguing update.


3 October 2021...  as of tomorrow, 4 October, Melbourne is to be classified the most locked down city in the world. Let's not forget that Melbourne was also selected as the Rockefeller Smart Global City for the Indo-Pacific / South Pacific region...


1 October 2021...  White T-Shirt anti-vaxx protests were held today in Sydney at Penrith and Parramatta. Crowd sizes were said to be 200 at Penrith and 1000 at Parramatta. Police numbers were small and there appears to have been no arrests.


26 September 2021...  stories or reports about "large numbers of military" booking rooms and staying at a certain Marriott Hotel in Sydney are false. That hotel is a quarantine hotel. It houses travellers who have flown into Sydney Airport. When such travellers are placed into quarantine hotel rooms, police and military are stationed at the front and back entrance of the hotel to prevent those quarantine guests from leaving. The Australian military has never booked rooms or stayed at that hotel.


22 September 2021...  stay tuned for our next round of Jannene Howse interviews, coming soon!


19 September 2021...  the nationwide anti-COVID-19 lockdown protest held yesterday, September 18, attracted large numbers in Melbourne and only a mere handful in Sydney. There is no coverage by "The Panel" from the Sydney event as little or nothing happened. A number of other Sydney protests in recent times have also resulted in a no-show. Melburnians managed to get to their protest site yesterday enmasse, despite a total shutdown of their public transport system, and while Sydney police had a less restrictive approach to controlling people's movements, Sydney-siders still failed to arrive, which is perplexing in a city of six million.


13 September 2021...  Queensland Police in Australia have launched a Class Action law suit against their employer regarding the requirement for them to be fully vaccinated. The full details have not yet come to light, but we will provide more details when available, so please be patient -- "The Panel" is not directly involved in the matter.


11 September 2021...  today is the 20th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, and today we have uploaded a new 4-part series of interviews with Sol Millin regarding his Class Action law suit against the government. Stay tuned for more, coming soon...


3 September 2021...  The Great Reset...  if you are a New Subscriber experiencing log-in problems, please contact us and we will send you a password reset link. That normally solves most log-in issues. In the meantime, please also try logging-in on a different device and a different internet browser to see if that resolves the problem. We recommend Brave or FireFox over all other browsers. If our password reset link does not arrive, please check your junk and spam email folders, as some viewers are reporting that our emails are being diverted or suppressed.


1 September 2021...  the month of August was unfortunately chaotic here at "The Panel" but we have been able to film some new content and will have it uploaded ASAP. Thank you for your patience. Things in Sydney, and Australia in general, have been getting progressively worse in terms of restrictions and lockdown measures. We appreciate your support and ask for your understanding while we stabilize the channel.


20 August 2021...  It has been brought to our attention that Coronavirus lockdown demonstrations will be held tomorrow, Saturday 21 August, in cities across Australia. The Sydney event tomorrow will occur at Victoria Park (intersection of Broadway and City Road) from midday. As "The Panel" is not directly involved in the event, we have no further details other than the date, location and time of the planned event. The police presence is expected to be large.


16 August 2021...  4am... as Taliban fighters in Afghanistan over-run the Presidential Palace in Kabul, the Sydney lockdown due to Coronavirus has extended to a statewide lockdown. Police have stated that there will be an increased police presence in the streets in the form of roadside checkpoints (and military assistance) to enforce the stay-at-home lockdown orders. In some Sydney suburbs, even 'essential workers' are not permitted to leave their home to travel to work anymore. We will keep you posted on further local updates. The silent streets of Sydney look deserted and beautiful in an eerie sort of way.


13 August 2021...  We are in the process of editing our new video interview content, which will be online in the next few days. Please be patient.


7 August 2021...  A streaming/viewing issue has been reported on our interviews with Dr. Judy Wilyman. Please note that our videos are done in HD quality (high definition) and are always filmed in Broadcast Quality wherever possible, which makes them equal to, or better than, the quality seen on national television. If you have a very slow internet speed - such as the 1.5mbps that Vodafone reverts to after your monthly data allowance is exhausted - you will indeed experience problems with downloading and streaming. Please be advised that this is an issue for your internet service provider. All videos on display on "The Panel" website are otherwise running smoothly and normally.


1 August 2021... Brady Gunn, who has been interviewed by "The Panel" and spoken at A Stand In The Park and the World Wide Freedom Day rallies, has been arrested by NSW Police and is now being held in police cells awaiting a hearing in front of a judge or magistrate. More details as they emerge...


31 July 2021... the World Wide Freedom Day Rally rumoured to be taking place in Hyde Park in Sydney today has not occurred. There was a heavy police presence around and surrounding the park, but no protest occurred and no protesters arrived. Police 'intel' on the matter did not seem very good either, as they were only relying on the unconfirmed and unofficial rumours floating around on the internet and on social media. The next World Wide Freedom Day Rally in Sydney is alleged to be occurring on Saturday, 28 August 2021. We will keep you posted. It appears as though the event scheduled for 28 August will be real.


29 July 2021...  expect our new 5-part interview series with Sol Millin to be online in the next few hours and days...


22 July 2021...  a delay/glitch when uploading our videos has been occurring for the last few days. Expect new content on a daily basis from now on. Any technical issues that may affect new video uploads will be reported here on this page.


14 July 2021...  due to increased lockdown restrictions in Greater Sydney, "The Panel" will not be travelling to Cairns for our next series of interviews that were due to be filmed from 15 July 2021. The social event, which was to be held at the Hilton Hotel in Cairns on Saturday evening, 17 July, is now also postponed. We will keep you posted on any changes and updates...


8 July 2021...  former US President Donald Trump has announced a class action lawsuit against FaceBook, Twitter and Google/YouTube over issues pertaining to shadow-banning and censorship. Trump's legal representatives have stated that these social media and online giants are in fact "governmental agencies". As such, Trump contends that these are freedom of speech issues, hence censorship cannot be undertaken by companies who claim it is 'their platform' in which they alone 'make the rules'.


6 July 2021...  many of you have heard about a major June 2021 drug bust that occurred when members of a worldwide crime syndicate used the 'Anom' App for their phone calls and texts. Thinking they were safe from surveillance, they openly discussed their scams and schemes. How wrong they were!  However, Anom is far from being the only supposedly 'secure' telecommunications or social media App.  For example, What's App is now owned by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), and the Chinese-owned social media app 'TikTok' is also un-secure. My sources have revealed that any text messages containing links to COVID-19 videos on TikTok will be deleted and removed from both the sender's and the receiver's telephone handset. At this stage, it is still a mystery how anyone is getting inside telephones to delete messages. Of course, text messages that do not question the official Coronavirus narrative are left untouched and unscathed. But messages which contain links to TikTok videos that expose the Covid lie are promptly scuttled.


29 June 2021... state borders permitting, "The Panel" will be in Cairns in mid-July for a new round of interviews. The itinerary is in place, but the recent announcement of various COVID-19 hotspots across Australia, notably in Sydney, has resulted in snap lockdowns and travel restrictions that may impact our plans. We will keep you posted...


27 June 2021... our ground-breaking interview series with vaccine author and academic Dr. Judy Wilyman is now online!


24 June 2021...  BAN-DEMIC...  we have been subjected to yet another temporary ban on YouTube. This is a two-week ban for a Sol Millin interview pertaining to the Coronavirus. YouTube policies openly state that they will not tolerate any content or opinions that contradict the World Health Organization's stance on COVID-19. From now on, we need to be careful what we say on YouTube because there is a risk of the entire channel being wiped. That only emphasizes the importance of this stand-alone website here at, which is completely free of YouTube's restrictive and draconian policies.